Milwaukee Remixed (2011)

Milwaukee Remixed was a collaborative project with the Urban Remix mobile app. This app enables all iPhone and Android users to explore, record and remix the soundscapes of Milwaukee. The Urban Remix platform consists of a mobile phone system and web interface for recording, browsing, and mixing audio. It allows users to document and explore the obvious, neglected, private or public, even secret sounds of the urban environment. This is your sound journey. You become an active creator of shared soundscapes as you search the city for interesting sounds. Your collected sounds and noises will provide the original tracks for musical remixes that reflect the specific nature and acoustic identity of Milwaukee. Over a dozen Milwaukee DJs, Musicians and Producers remixed uploaded sounds to create a unique soundtrack, completly constructed from the sounds you record. This journey of sound is uniquely Milwaukee – Milwaukee musicians creating Milwaukee music collected by Milwaukee residents, one sound at a time.

The project was completed in 2011. For more information, see

Archive of sounds and images for Milwaukee Remixed:

UrbanRemix sounds and images are licensed under a Creative Commons Sampling Plus license ( Please reference the Urban Remix web site ( in any works which incorporate content from this site.